Hi everybody out there, I am caught up here with a set of math questions that I find very hard to answer. I am taking Intermediate algebra course and need help with algebra 1 8-2 dividing monomials practise. Do you know of any useful math help product? To be honest , I am a little skeptical about how useful these software products can be but I really don’t know how to solve these problems and thought it is worth a try.
Hello Kid How are you? . Well I’ve been looking at your post and believe me : Sounds very familiar . Some time ago I was in the same problem, but before you get a professor, I will like to recommend you one software that’s really helpful: Algebrator. I really tried a lot of other ways but that one it’s definitely the the real deal! The best luck with that! Let me know what you think!.
I have tried out various software. I would confidently say that Algebrator has helped me to grapple with my difficulties on equation properties, midpoint of a line and trigonometric functions. All I did was to just key in the problem. The reply showed up almost immediately showing all the steps to the solution . It was quite easy to follow. I have relied on this for my math classes to figure out Intermediate algebra and Intermediate algebra. I would highly suggest you to try out Algebrator.
I am so relieved to hear that there is hope for me. I really appreciate it. Why did I not think about this? I would like to start on this without any further delay. How can I purchase this program? Please give me the details of where and how I can get this program.
Registered: 05.07.2001
From: Right here, can't you see me?
Posted: Wednesday 03rd of Jan 09:28
I advise using Algebrator. It not only assists you with your math problems, but also displays all the necessary steps in detail so that you can enhance the understanding of the subject.
Hi Friends , Based on your suggestions , I purchased the Algebrator to get myself equipped with the fundamental theory of Algebra 2. The explanations on converting decimals and equivalent fractions were not only understandable but made the entire topic pretty interesting. Thanks a lot for all of you who pointed me to have a look at the Algebrator!