Algebra Tutorials!  
Saturday 21st of December
Square Roots and Radical Expressions
Solving Radical Equations
Simplifying Radical Expressions
Irrational Numbers in General and Square Roots in Particular
Roots of Polynomials
Simplifying Radical Expressions
Exponents and Radicals
Products and Quotients Involving Radicals
Roots of Quadratic Equations
Radical Expressions
Radicals and Rational Exponents
Find Square Roots and Compare Real Numbers
Radicals and Rational Exponents
Theorems on the Roots of Polynomial Equations
Simplifying Radical Expressions
Exponents and Radicals
Properties of Exponents and Square Roots
Solving Radical Equations
Rational Exponents and Radicals,Rationalizing Denominators
Rational Exponents and Radicals,Rationalizing Denominators
Quadratic Roots
Exponents and Roots
Multiplying Radical Expressions
Exponents and Radicals
Solving Radical Equations
Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring and Extracting Roots
Newton's Method for Finding Roots
Roots of Quadratic Equations Studio
Roots, Radicals, and Root Functions
Review division factoring and Root Finding
Simplifying Radical Expressions
Multiplying and Simplifying Radical Expressions
Multiplication and Division of Radicals
Radical Equations
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learning basic algebra
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Author Message


Registered: 15.10.2005
From: Cali - Colombia

Posted: Friday 29th of Dec 20:36    

Hello Math Gurus, Me and my friend have been trying to figure out a couple of math problems based on quadratic equations. They are a part of our homework in Algebra 2 and are to be submitted next week. Could you please guide us in finishing it. We are actually looking for a software that can help us in getting this done.
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Vofj Timidrov


Registered: 06.07.2001
From: Bulgaria

Posted: Saturday 30th of Dec 08:44    

Don’t fret my friend. It’s just a matter of time before you’ll have no problems in answering those problems in learning basic algebra. I have the exact solution for your algebra problems, it’s called Algebrator. It’s quite new but I assure you that it would be perfect in assisting you in your math problems. It’s a piece of software where you can solve any kind of math problems with ease . It’s also user friendly and shows a lot of useful data that makes you understand the subject matter fully.
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Registered: 19.03.2002
From: UK

Posted: Sunday 31st of Dec 07:42    

I’ve been using this software since a year now, and it has never let me down. It won’t just solve a problem for you, but it’ll also explain every step that was taken to arrive at a particular solution . And that’s the best feature in my opinion. I was having a lot of problems tackling questions based on learning basic algebra but ever since I bought this software, math has been really easy for me.
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Registered: 01.10.2002
From: Way Way Behind

Posted: Monday 01st of Jan 16:50    

I remember having difficulties with least common measure, y-intercept and graphing parabolas. Algebrator is a truly great piece of math software. I have used it through several algebra classes - Basic Math, Algebra 2 and Remedial Algebra. I would simply type in the problem from a workbook and by clicking on Solve, step by step solution would appear. The program is highly recommended.
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