Thank you for the responses. You actually make learning Algebra sort of fun.
Reggie Thompson, Houston, TX
I recommend this program to every student that comes in my class. Since I started this, I have noticed a dramatic improvement.
David Mogorit, DC
There are so many algebra programs available. I dont know how I got stuck with yours, but academically speaking, it is the best thing that has ever happened to me!
Margret Dixx, AL
So after I make my first million as a world-class architect, I promise to donate ten percent to Algebrator! If you ask me, thats cheap too, because theres just no way Id have even dreamed about being an architect before I started using your math program. Now Im just one year away from graduation and being on my way!
Allen Donland, GA
I love that it can be used in a step-by-step instructional way as well as a way to check student work.
Jason Padrew, TX