I work as a Chemist in the biotech industry and found that no matter how I tried to help my daughter there just seemed to be too many years between our maths. Shes having difficulty with her algebra. A colleague suggested your product and he was right. Its given my daughter a sense of pride that she can now do all her homework on her own. Thanks.
Debra Ratto, CO
I must say that I am extremely impressed with how user friendly this one is over the Personal Tutor. Easy to enter in problems, I get explanations for every step, every step is complete, etc.
D.D., Arizona
It's good news for any school, teacher or student when such a fantastic software is specifically designed for Algebra. Great job!
Gary Sterns, CA
My mother is always pestering me about playing on the computer, because she thinks it's a waste of time, yet i have proved her wrong when I managed to improve my Algebra grades with the aid of your software. It is indeed a real helper.
Britany Burton, CA
Look. Your product is so good it almost got me into trouble. I needed the edge in college after 15 years of academic lapse and found your program. I take online courses so I was solving problems so fast the system questioned the time between problems as pure genius. Funny but now I must work slower to keep off the instructors radar screen. Funny heh? Thanks guys well worth the money.
Max Duncan, OH