This software is the best of its kind. The explanations of each step are excellent and easy to understand. A must have for any parent with high school age children. Well done.
Reese Pontoon, MO
I never used to take interest in math and always found algebra boring. Time has changed since I bought this software. My concepts are very clear and I love the step-by-step approach.
Charlotte Beecham, IN
The Algebrator is awesome and out of this world! Thanks for making my life so much easier!
Alan Cox, TX
This software is the best of its kind. The explanations of each step are excellent and easy to understand. A must have for any parent with high school age children. Well done.
Kathleen Becker, PA
I love that it can be used in a step-by-step instructional way as well as a way to check student work.
Leilani Jekar, CA